Kamis, 25 Juni 2009

How to Create Google Adsense Account

The step in early was opened web or link www.google.com/adsense

Afterwards will emerge the page as follows:

After that klick ( sign up now >> )

Your URL input and chose the language web him with the language engglis like the example below this:

Afterwards the contents of the account type and country and territory him the example:

After that isikan your long name the address, the city, and code his post the example:

Enter would the number of the mobile phone or your telephone:

Afterwards hit all like the example below this:

Then klick ( Submit Information )

After being finished we headed the page that to two and will emerge said ² as follows below this:

Afterwards the last step gave hit like to the picture below ini
and input of the email address and passwort him should not forget the email address that you input must be based on the email website you if not the side google adsense will ask for repeated the registration. liha the page below this afterwards klick
( continue )

The mission has been successful and you were kept being waiting for the email reply from google adsense

Congratulations tried and was

Search Engine

Search via Google search engines is the largest and trusted in the world is once WWW.google.COM Most of us do a search through Google, other than the google is also very friendly, because the activity can help us every day, I was in love with the dead and google tidah want to move to another heart, a lot of web search that is also popular but I prefer google because terupdates and always give the impression of a perfect

Thank you google

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